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Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 00:37
by DNaigles
We need more TS2 developer tutorials, especially given the differences between the 2 TS versions and the fact that they are now mutually exclusive. There are only basic TS2 tutorials.
Re: Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 15:35
by jeanmichel
In the documentation for 3.10 the tutorials 1,2, and 3 has been updated to show TS2 developement enviroment. We will also keep migrating existing documentation to TS2 in axes future releases.
Jean-Michel Rapin
Re: Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Posted: 20 Jan 2016, 12:10
by jeanmichel
The tutorials will be updated in the next version of axes.
Re: Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 05:21
by WayneP
I am having that EXACT issue. I have spent days going through tutorials 1-5 (and even 5 was not a continuation of 1-4), and now tutorial 6 has me using NON TS2 developer mode. I have no idea how to use non TS2 mode to do tutorial 6 and beyond. What do I do? I expected way more than this from LANSA.
Re: Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Posted: 30 May 2016, 10:11
by jeanmichel
Hi Wayne,
As I mentioned in my previous post, the documentation has been updated in version 3.1.1.
Also not all tutorials a are a continuation from tutorial 1,2,3 on wards.
You can find the latest version here: