Search found 5 matches

by DNaigles
12 Dec 2014, 05:03
Forum: "How do I do this"
Topic: using autogui to find 5250 attributes
Replies: 0
Views: 8343

using autogui to find 5250 attributes

I have a screen where the function key row is in yellow based upon the DSPATR in the DSPF. How can I tell, using extended AutoGUI, that it is yellow? I have turned off the AutoGUI flag for the project.
by DNaigles
13 Nov 2014, 03:09
Forum: "How do I do this"
Topic: Custom Date Extension for xYYMMDD ServerDateFormat
Replies: 1
Views: 4867

Custom Date Extension for xYYMMDD ServerDateFormat

We have a customer that has a Server Date format of xYYMMDD where x is a “Centrury Flag”, i.e. today is 1141024 or March 12, 1998 is 980312. I have no experience in building custom extensions. Does anyone have (or can provide) a version of the date extension to intercept the interaction with the 525...
by DNaigles
29 Aug 2014, 00:37
Forum: Suggestions Box
Topic: Advanced TS2 developer tutorials
Replies: 4
Views: 20555

Advanced TS2 developer tutorials

We need more TS2 developer tutorials, especially given the differences between the 2 TS versions and the fact that they are now mutually exclusive. There are only basic TS2 tutorials.
by DNaigles
29 Aug 2014, 00:31
Forum: Suggestions Box
Topic: Put the TS1 Style "prompter" in for TS2 developer
Replies: 2
Views: 16583

Put the TS1 Style "prompter" in for TS2 developer

The current methodology for entering the style of an extension in TS2 is great for web developers, but we have many RPG developers trying to enhance their screens using aXes TS2. The TS1 style "prompter" has been very useful to them. Why was it removed for the TS2 Developer mode? Please bring it back!
by DNaigles
29 Aug 2014, 00:27
Forum: "How do I do this"
Topic: Handling subfile columns in TS2 developer (3.1)
Replies: 2
Views: 6775

Handling subfile columns in TS2 developer (3.1)

How do I set the extension for all the rows in a subfile column? It seems that TS2 developer does not recognize that the element is a subfile field and only applies any customizations to that element alone. There is no TS2 tutorials for handling subfiles.